Ramblings of a Suburban Mom “Cleaning Out My Closet Giveaway”

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Cleaning Out My Closet Giveaway
Cleaning Out My Closet Giveaway

I’ve been doing a little spring cleaning and came across a few things I didn’t realize I still had.  So what else would I do with them but give them away???  Here’s what you could win:

1. Jenna Hipp Essential Nail & Hand Cream
2. Flavor Infused Water Bottle
3. Stella & Dot Hang On Crazy Stripe
4. Barr Co. Diffuser
5. Mason Jar Mugs (Set of Three) (like the ones here)
6. Stella & Dot Bring It Jewelry Roll (Cerise)
7. Zoku Slush & Shake Maker

You know the drill, just enter in the Rafflecopter widget below and you will be all set. And, as usual, you get a free entry every day, but you can do all that extra stuff, including sharing and tweeting to gain extra entries! Good luck!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 217 Comments

  1. Caitlin C.

    I have not started Spring cleaning yet but I desperately need to!!

  2. Kim

    I don’t, but I really should

  3. lynn m.

    I am constantly cleaning out my house. I hate stuff lol

  4. Sara

    Yes, I spring clean! I started at the beginning of the month and my house already feels more comfortable.

  5. Jessie m

    I don’t spring clean

  6. Debbie BJ

    Yes I spring clean every year, its how I get my kids to go though their stuff and give away what they have gotten to old for. Or all of the broken stuff they love to keep lol

  7. mspotts

    Yes, I spring clean, and then help myself to a nice glass of wine after

  8. Pilar

    Yes I do spring cleaning but I haven’t started yet.

  9. Des

    I do not spring clean. I can barely make myself maintenance clean.

  10. Rebecca

    We do our spring cleaning more like “new year cleaning” The cleaning happens whatever weekends are free in January. I guess that means I’m done with the spring cleaning.

  11. e.

    my only spring cleaning is drycleaning my winter comforter, and i just picked it up from the cleaners!

  12. Brandy Fisk

    I’m almost finished. I still need to add what I didn’t donate or giveaway to friends/family to my neighbors garage sale and clean windows.

  13. sindhu

    I don’t.

  14. Brianna

    My first spring as a homeowner, two trips to goodwill so far. No spring routine yet.

  15. chelsea

    I do not spring clean.

  16. Kalli

    Spring cleaning is my favorite. I am all sorts of crazy. This years big project is the garage. I may have bitten off more than I can handle with that one…

  17. MJ

    I haven’t started spring cleaning yet, and I really really should. My room is getting very cluttered!

  18. Rebecca

    I do not spring clean. I try to keep things clean and I don’t like to keep too much clutter.

  19. Kyra

    I sadly don’t really spring clean…I probably should though.

  20. Kate f

    I don’t really spring clean but I totally need to!

  21. Sher

    I have two boys, three cats, and a dog ? my “spring” cleaning is constant 🙁

  22. Adrienne W

    I don’t spring clean my house, I’m always cleaning it. I do spring clean my closet and my car. My car gets so neglected when it’s too cold to be out there cleaning it and it’s usually gross by spring. For my closet it’s a switch out the winter stuff for the summer stuff and donate or toss anything I haven’t worn or don’t want anymore.

  23. Diana Kang

    Yes I do! Starts with new sheets on the bed and dusting.

  24. Lauren Seritt

    Ugh, I probably should do some spring cleaning, but I don’t!!!!!

  25. Heather

    I’m a tax accountant so no time for spring cleaning for me. I usually do my big clean in the fall!

  26. Kristin

    I am a pretty big minimalist so I don’t really spring clean. At least not in the sense of going through and getting rid of things. Actual cleaning on the other hand, that’s a constant thing lol

  27. Melissa g

    I don’t but I really should…

  28. Lori

    Yes, I do. I try to do mini sessions through out the year too. We’ve got a good start going this year but still have a list of things to go through. Kids accumulate so much … But Mommy nevvvvver adds to the clutter 😉

  29. Sam Stamp

    I don’t call it spring cleaning I call it unhoarding. My mom, my sister and I are all hoarders. I consistently try to declutter so as to not succumb to my urges to hoard.

  30. Shannon

    I really need to do some spring cleaning but I just don’t see it happening for awhile!

  31. Chelsey

    I spring clean but have been so lazy I haven’t even started yet this year!

  32. Emily

    i don’t really do spring clean, just clean as it goes.

  33. Nichole Van Bruggen

    Kinda yes, we just moved last week and so we are going through things as we put them away in the new place…moving states is a lot of work. 🙂

  34. Lisa Springer

    Yes. I’m starting tomorrow.

  35. Diana Vuong

    Yes, I have started cleaning and still cleaning old junk. I wish I didn’t have so much clutter.

  36. Candice Hedeen

    We’ll be moving in a couple months (buying our first house!) so I’m trying to get motivated to do a big spring cleaning so moving won’t be as much of a hassle.

  37. Leana

    I’m actually taking a break from my spring cleaning right now.

  38. Alice

    Random spurts of cleaning have occurred the last two weeks. While wiping my desk, I discovered my laptop was kinda stuck to my desk and freaked out the green stuff was battery acid…umm turns out it was leftovers of a drink I sorta spilled on my desk two weeks prior…

  39. Ricki

    Sorta. I do actually want to clean some in the spring.

  40. Rachel U.

    I aspire to get s

  41. Rachel U.

    I aspire to spring clean (does that count?) but my little keep me very busy!

  42. Hannah

    I do not Spring clean, but I really should!

  43. Juli

    I do spring clean. Two rooms down, sooooo many more to go!

  44. Linda

    Yes- already cleaned out 2 closets and washed windows inside & out!

  45. Shannon

    I don’t Spring clean. I think I’m nesting though. 🙂

  46. Theresa H

    I try to constantly clean out my things, but lately I’ve been doing a lot of organizing. So my answer is no I don’t normally spring clean, but this year yes.

  47. Shawn

    Spring cleaning is under way—-but I have a LONG way to go after such a long winter here in Michigan!

  48. lynsey

    I totally need to have a garage sale! I have so many kids clothes and stuff i never use!

  49. Gina F.

    Just started my spring cleaning!

  50. Cheryl

    I do spring clean and that’s actually my project for this week!

  51. ashlee

    I started maybe 10% of it and decided i would come back to it lol

  52. Hannah R

    I started but I have so much to do. Right now, my pantry is looking pretty awesome!

  53. Kelsea Beth

    I don’t spring clean, but I really should!

  54. Allison

    I do spring clean. I have only done a little bit so far. I’ve swept salt and dead leaves in he front of the house.

  55. Kristin Jesneck

    My spring cleaning will be minimal this year since we just moved into our house! I’m very thankful for that!!!

  56. Bethsaida W.

    I spring clean every year in early May. Takes about a day and a half….with my hubby’s help!

  57. Nicole

    I’m getting all new carpet soon, so I think that will force me to spring clean.

  58. Gina G

    I like to queue up each room of the house and closet to be cleaned on a rotating basis instead of doing one big Spring cleaning of the whole place. It would be too much otherwise!

  59. Alena P

    Yes, Every year I spring clean. This year, I have done a little more than last-time to organize! 🙂

  60. Annie

    I do spring clean, but the weather is still too unpredictable (read: cold and wet) to start pulling my stuff outside yet.

  61. Debby

    To a degree I do. I really clean out closets and drawers.

  62. Candice

    Been getting a little more thorough as I go room to room but with a toddler, as you know, its constantly clean up time.

  63. JT

    I’m spring cleaning in full effect – just got floors redone and painting next so everything is getting a once over!

  64. Elizabeth

    I haven’t really been cleaning out, but we’ve been cleaning up and reorganizing the house and trying to add a lot of storage.

  65. jmd

    No and I really should. What I did do recently was take all my Birchboxes and sort the items into baskets and recycle the boxes. I guess that’s something?

  66. Jill

    I clean ALL the time, not jut spring!

  67. Kiersten

    I usually do a spring cleaning of my closet, but I haven’t started yet! Although I desperately need to!

  68. Vicki

    Getting ready for a big yard sale at our place. Time for more space in our closets and attic!

  69. Beth

    Yes, but it’s going to take a while. There’s so much to do!

  70. Tammy

    Who has the time?!??!

  71. Alisa

    I should, but I never do.

  72. cindy

    I started last january LOL. Have home to sell and combining the 2, Please do you offer this closet giveaway service to your readers LOL

  73. Jenny M

    I do not. I try to clean out the clutter every couple months rather than once a year. Means lots of trips to Goodwill!

  74. Jorja

    My spring cleaning is mostly yard work. I hate weeds, but things look so great after we finish!

  75. Meredith Morris

    As soon as the weather starts getting nice and I can have my windows open I start spring cleaning. Something about the nice weather just makes me want to open all of the windows, let the breeze in, and organize every closet in my house.

  76. Jean Eckert

    I want to spring clean and I really need to spring clean, but I just hate cleaning and I can never make myself do it!

  77. Maura

    hhmm maybe I should spring clean…

  78. Sophie

    Eh, I basically just go through clothing and make a few trips to Goodwill. Nothing too crazy.

  79. Jessica

    I started my spring cleaning, but I have not got very far with it.

  80. Kellie

    I cleaned out my clothes closet… the clothes I want to donate are all sitting in a pile in my room. Sometimes i pick osmething out and go OH I can wear this..it ends up back in the normal closet. Sigh… i need to get to donating…

  81. erica

    I don’t usually, but this year I feel so cluttered that I’m trying to!

  82. Elizabeth

    I always spring clean. Get ready for some new fashion 🙂

  83. Jody

    I finished my spring cleaning a few weeks ago!!

  84. Jenny

    I’ve never done a huge spring cleaning but we are going to try this year. I’m hoping that we will do a big purge starting this week. We really need to clear out the too little babyish toys, misc outside unused toys and of course they ever growing pile of boys clothes. LOL

  85. Ben

    I would love to win that water bottle infuser or the mason jar mugs for my girlfriend for her birthday, but really any of them would be great gifts to add to her already large pile!

    1. Jennifer

      Don’t forget to answer the question required for entry credit!

  86. Jennifer Hodgen

    Spring cleaning – hmmm closets and dressers mainly – nope havent started yet!

  87. Stephanie

    We don’t normally spring clean. My mother in law visits twice a year and right before she comes we do a deep clean then! This year however for my birthday (which was the same day as B’s!) I asked for my gift to have someone else clean the whole house so I am excited when that will happen!

  88. Ali M

    I do, it’s just I do it in stages that spread out over the next four months…

  89. Kelly

    Not really I do it more when the mood strikes me.

  90. Katrina

    I don’t “spring” clean so much as “I’m-so-fed-up-with-how-much-crap-I’ve-accumulated” clean. I’ve almost finished purging my beauty products – next is clothes!

  91. Theresa Brannon

    I’m so behind on spring cleaning. I’ve had a big box sitting here for weeks waiting for me to fill it up with things to take to Goodwill!

  92. lisa D

    I don’t have knick knacks around the house…I dislike clutter. I spring clean with my closet first because I like to shop. So I purge every spring and fall.

  93. Stephanie McGuire

    My hubby and I had to hire house cleaners. We haven’t been able to clean since we had Delaney. But I for sure need to go through things and get rid of some stuff.

  94. Ruby Yoshi

    I probably should start doing spring cleaning

  95. Gail

    Spring cleaning the Garage and yard today.

  96. Erica

    Oh God. Really should, but no I don’t.

  97. Jen K

    Hahaha.. so the short answer is YES!, ofcourse I do! But the true answer is that I clean a ton of stuff out, store them elsewhere… throw out some stuff and buy more!

  98. kay

    I’m planning to soon-I’ve got enough stuff to get rid of that if the weather cooperates I might have my first ever yard sale!

  99. Judy

    Not yet but I REALLY need to get on that! lol I usually give my closets a thorough purging and donate what I no longer use. I also clean things that usually get neglected like ceiling lights and fans. I also will clean windows on the outside and powerwash our porch and siding every few years.

  100. Niki T.

    I do but I’m a little late this year! I hopefully will start before summer lol!!

  101. Debra

    Theoretically I understand the concept of Spring cleaning but application-wise, still haven’t done it!

    1. Jennifer

      Don’t forget to answer the question required for entry credit!

      1. Christi Petersen

        oops….well I’m not spring cleaning, per se, but i have been working like mad to complete projects around the house before my son’s graduation party…..26 days….but who’s counting….lol

  102. Chelsea

    Love your blog!

    1. Jennifer

      Don’t forget to answer the question required for entry credit!

  103. Lauren

    I’m always cleaning!

  104. Heather Stone

    Spring Cleaning?…..Ohhh no we call just that — “trash is full–yikes mom looked under the bed while we were at school” weekly 😉

  105. Dara

    Yes! However, I’m not as thorough as I once was (with two little kids, it’s hard to find a lot of time). I definitely scrub my kitchen and clean the oven once a year.

  106. Monica

    We usually spring clean around here… doesn’t seem to be starting up yet… need to get on that

  107. Ashley C.

    Oh man, this year I have started spring cleaning in full force! I’m going through every room of the house to do a major decluttering overhaul, and when thats done going back through each room to do a deep clean. We were in major need of it!

  108. Kathy S

    Yes, we just finished going through closets and getting a pile ready to donate that we don’t wear anymore.

  109. Chelsea

    I have not started spring cleaning yet but I probably should!

  110. Rose D.

    I should Spring clean, but I don’t. I always intend to, but then life gets in the way…

  111. Madelyn

    I did start, 3 weeks ago, but then as usual got sick of it and stopped in the middle!

  112. Nicole Whelan

    I think I spring clean all year!! I’m always storing things away, either not ready to let them go, or hoping the kids will forget about some annoying toy (yes I’m guilty of hiding those – but if they ask I mysteriously ‘find’ it!)….so I’m always going through these piles and always feel like I’m ‘spring cleaning’!

  113. Jennifer Straub

    I spring clean in the summer? since I’m a teacher it’s really the only time I have.

  114. Diane F

    I haven’t started yet. Hoping to get started this week!!

  115. melissa m

    I am trying too. Doing a closet or a drawer here and there for the last month. And I have cleaned the windows.

  116. Jennifer

    I dont but maybe this S[ring is the one to start!

  117. SMDC

    I WISH I would have started, but who has time for these things??

  118. Chloe Cunningham

    I feel like I am doing constant spring cleaning- never one big haul, but many many little ones!!

  119. Weslyn

    I haven’t and my house is filled with boxes, so I need to get to it

  120. Melissa

    I don’t really spring clean per se, but I do get tired of some of the clutter and tend to purge & “lighten up” my rooms, closets, and storage in the spring!

  121. Stacey

    I try to spring clean, this year is was more of a fall clean (thanks government for those two weeks off!) But I need to get started, I have a lot of things from my boxes that need to go to homes that will love them!

  122. Samantha

    I never spring clean… I should though.

  123. Lynsey

    I did my make-up drawers and after it took hours I gave up the idea of starting my closet!

  124. Amanda

    I always spring clean. Sometimes it involves my husband and child leaving the house for an afternoon though, so I can really clean without anyone in my way 🙂 – and yes, I’ve started!

  125. Shawna

    I have not started spring cleaning yet, but I am just about ready to!

  126. Chris

    I have started spring cleaning. A little each day.

  127. ChyRisse

    I don’t do any specific spring cleaning. I am constant throughout the year. We do power wash in the spring.

  128. Shelby

    Yes & Yes!!!! Going through old clothes to donate now!

  129. hillary

    Not really but I definitely need to!

  130. Yvonne Jones

    I haven’t started yet 🙁 I’m just now leaving the dreadful first trimester so I am hoping for an energy boost soon!

  131. faith

    I do spring clean and we started this past weekend

  132. Emily W

    I deep clean the house and then store away winter clothes and bring out summer clothes… I need to get on that.

  133. Caitlin

    I clean all year – but spring cleaning is fun because it makes you feel fresh and new for summer.

  134. Lisa

    Planning to do a closet purge on Weds — need to fill a bag or two for ThredUp and get rid of my maternity clothes before I go back to work on 4/30!

  135. Rachel

    Little by little I am trying to get things sorted and cleaned out.

  136. Ashley

    Not officially but we’re moving in May/June so it will be easy to spring clean while we move!

  137. Lisa

    I need to organize first! It will be a long process, but I am trying to accomplish one task per day. . .

  138. Kristin

    Not yet but I need to!

  139. Tiffany McGuffin

    No Spring Cleaning here…I’m a purger. I don’t hang on to stuff too much. Although I did recently transform the guest room/random crap room into a nursery/guest room for the new baby, so there was some awesome organization that transpired with that. Nerd Alert: I love to organize!

  140. Jessica

    Don’t think I’m crazy, but I totally love Spring Cleaning! I actually do it twice a year! 🙂

  141. Abbi B.

    I spring clean and have already started, but mine isn’t fun like yours! You find all these gorgeous things and I find gum stuck in my kiddos carpet! Haha.

  142. Elizabeth

    I live in a tiny house…. I’m in a perpetual state of “spring cleaning.”

  143. Sarah Slatter

    I sure do! Our place isn’t huge so I like going through things and clearing out space of unnecessary, unwanted things! It’s also a great time to go through all of our winter stuff and get rid of what we don’t use/want and re go through the Spring/Summer stuff I am pulling out. It feels so good to get organized!

  144. RobertAnn

    We have officially kicked off our Spring cleaning on Easter. Our landlords just submitted an inspection letter, so the good thing is this is the kick in the butt we needed. LoL.

  145. Sara W

    Spring cleaning is DONE at my house! Phew!

  146. Ericka

    What’s spring cleaning? LOL. I really should.

  147. Rose

    I don’t really spring clean. I should, but it’s more of a perpetual year long cleaning.

  148. Sophie V

    No spring cleaning only finals and then straight to summer 🙂

  149. Mary Ann

    I’m a teacher, so I can’t spring clean, I have to summer clean! 🙂

  150. Sarah

    I really really need to get started cleaning out my closet

  151. Kristin

    yes and I’m really afraid of my closet

  152. SuzeeLauren

    I *started* to spring clean… so basically right now my bedroom looks like my closet exploded all over it. But the living room and kitchen are both done so it’s a work in progress.

  153. miranda

    I try to clean as I see things that need it, so no big spring cleaning for me

  154. laura maya

    No spring cleaning but we recently moved and I did a moving cleaning…

  155. Stacey

    I usually do spring clean, but haven’t really done much this year. I need to just hire someone. ha

  156. Diana B

    I do spring clean, but it hasn’t been going too well…. more ‘important’ stuff comes up and interrupts the cleaning.

  157. Crystal Gregg

    I try.
    I try.
    I try.

  158. gary

    I for sure need to spring clean!

  159. Cara James

    I do! We just moved so luckily there isn’t any yet!:)

  160. Erika

    Yes! It’s my favorite time of the year 🙂

  161. Anne

    I need to do it very badly!

  162. Kayla

    Yes I spring clean and no I haven’t started, I’m running late this year! But to be honest in PA it just started to feel like spring haha

  163. Mallory B

    I did a little spring cleaning, but I think mine’s going to be more of a summer cleaning this year!

  164. Shannon

    I don’t spring clean, but I should!

  165. julie b

    we rearranged our kitchen.

  166. Mary W

    I wish I could spring clean. I have family staying with me. They were going through a hard time and should be getting a place soon . Then I will be able to do a true OCD clean!

  167. karen

    I clean small areas every few weeks throughout the year. With 3 kids, I just don’t have a block of days in a row to do a huge spring housecleaning!

  168. Andrea

    i did do some spring cleaning, but not because it was necessarily was spring but because it just really needed to be done!

  169. Jordan M

    We started spring cleaning over spring break a month ago. First were the clothing closets, then the bedrooms, then the kitchen, the garage, the living rooms, and today we tackled the linen closet. We still have the game closet and the coat closet to go. After that, we plan to put in all wood floors in the house and redo the two upstairs bathrooms. We have big plans, lol.

  170. Kathy Heck

    Yes! I do a couple of extra freshen up this room and throw this curtains in the wash. And wipe down the windows…. Weed out a couple of drawers. Just a few each day…. I’ll be “springing” for a month or so at this rate 🙂

  171. Eve

    I just started spring cleaning 2 weeks ago — have made little progress so far, but am not giving up.

  172. Frances Tolley

    I do my best to skip cleaning altogether.

  173. Kara Mishmash

    I do “spring cleaning” a couple of times every year my house is definitely due since I haven’t really deep cleaned since oct or nov. I mean I clean, I just don’t empty out closets and cabinets and steam my curtains and such

  174. Tiffany

    We just moved here so we did most of it in the move but Ive been cleaning out the fridge and bathrooms my closet is next then I want to buy decor for the entry way and bathrooms.

  175. sarah

    I do Spring Clean. Some years I do really good and I do a really good cleaning. Other years like this year I am just making sure I dust really good and that I start cleaning out the clutter. The only problem with cleaning out the clutter is I find there are so many things we need.

  176. Beth

    Not usually, but I now have such a stockpile of subscription box stuff I should probably do a mini spring cleaning so I can use/gift before everything expires!

  177. soon perez

    We do but we haven’t started yet.

  178. Colleen Boudreau

    Yes I do, but I haven’t started yet.

  179. Mahdi Martin

    I do typically do a major cleaning around Spring time. I just emptied half my closet!

  180. Michelle

    I feel like I “spring clean” all year long. I go in spurts of wanting to get rid of stuff…watch out when that happens. Lol

  181. Kathy

    I don’t ‘spring clean’ but my whole house is being done one drawer, closet, room at a time.

  182. Karen

    I don’t, but my husband would love it if I did.

  183. Bethany

    Ahhh yay this giveaway!!! I have been trying to swap for that diffuser for weeks to no avail! I will probably be spring cleaning soon, as we’ll be moving in the next few months, but it might be summer cleaning by then…

  184. PGT

    I started…one box or drawer at a time..it’s going slow 🙂

  185. ivis

    I really should start cleaning! … But in the mean time you can send me what you dont want! Im sure you have great stuff 😉 :-p

  186. Tracy Thompson-Parker

    I need to start! I am so slow. Maybe I will make my husband do it 🙂

  187. laura

    I do….and I will any day now 😉

  188. Amanda Dukes

    i need to spring clean my house and car but been so busy …..

  189. Mary

    Cleaning happens when we have company coming, besides that just regular weekly cleaning. Or, those rare occasions when I have extra time and energy 🙂 Thanks for another great giveaway!

  190. Sabre Pacheco

    We’ve all been sick at our house, no spring cleaning… yet!

  191. Ally

    I don’t traditionally “spring clean” but this year I made sure to vacuum all the upholstery and carpeted stairs (which I should do more often, ugh).

  192. Heather S.

    I don’t really spring clean. Although I do go through my sons clothes and toys about twice a year.

  193. Nicole

    Me and Spring cleaning have a love/hate relationship!

  194. nicole p

    I always say I am going to do some spring cleaning. Then it never happens.

  195. Jill Banks Geraci

    I’m going to start soon. We are trying to sell our house so now is the time purge!

  196. jenny whiskey

    I like to do Spring cleaning but this year’s allergy season has been so murderous thus far that i can’t bring myself ot open windows for fear of a pollen attack! I’m also scared to dust, because every time i do, it gets stirred up and i’m miserable for 2 days. SO much for freshening up for spring!

  197. Sara

    I do spring clean but haven’t even started yet…i’m hoping to start with all the closets first this year!

  198. robyn

    I do spring cleaning but I don’t do it in a big chunk like most people. I make a list of what needs to be done in like March and try to complete it before summer starts!

  199. terri s

    yes and I’ve kind of started (it really takes me all year) by the time I get done it’s time to start over! OH well….

  200. Celeste

    I’m a major purger… so I’m always getting rid of stuff all year long!

  201. Cathy@Five Boys

    I don’t usually, but I need to. And no, I haven’t started. Ugh . . . .

  202. Amanda

    Need to clean, but I don’t. I’ll probably summer clean, when I have more time.

  203. Alexa Angell

    Ha! I feel like I am constantly spring cleaning – as in year round 🙂 I need to be better and getting rid of stuff though!

  204. Melissa

    I sure do and I started cleaning out closets last week!!

  205. Kendra W.

    Usually we move every summer but this year we’re moving during the Spring. We’ve started cleaning and packing, so I guess that’s this years “Spring Cleaning” for us!

  206. Dede

    I do spring clean but tend to hoard stuff like this forever. At work this week, we’re doing a Sample Swap. Looking forward to sharing my goodies with my friends!

  207. Dawn

    Yes, I spring and fall clean, or try to, every year. I get myself started by cleaning the pantry out of a closet and that gets me rolling. I have some yard work planned for today because if I don’t get started early on that I’ll blow it off all spring and by summer won’t want to be bothered doing anything but the bare minimum. That happened last year and our yard looks really beat down.

  208. Jennifer Pittman

    I spring clean, been working on it. (Though it seems to be more of a around the year cleaning – when ever the mood strikes me!) Right now working on getting rid of things we don’t need anymore.

  209. Julie P.

    I already started my spring cleaning – I started with my closet!

  210. Beth

    We don’t usually “spring clean” but probably should start! Stuff accumulates way too much around here!

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